Monday 8 April 2013

Our Piece

   Nicki Yeah' Bwoy Tyler SouthJames Kaffenberger

The story line to our piece was to have the audience sitting in the rings of hell and myself Parris and Nicki all had tickets which said what circle of hell we should be placed in each one of us had a little monologue to perform as this character and how they became the sinner they are today. James played Minos the who carried out the the judgement of each character Tyler played the devil himself.

9th Circle of Hell - Treachery

he had three faces: one in front bloodred;
and then another two that, just above
the midpoint of each shoulder, joined the first;
and at the crown, all three were reattached;
the right looked somewhat yellow, somewhat white;
the left in its appearance was like those
who come from where the Nile, descending, flows.

Satan is trapped in the frozen center zone of the 9th circle which is guarded by giants where the souls are trapped by ice.

8th Circle of Hell - Fraud

Pimps and seducers - Are whipped y demons
Flatters - submerged in human entrant
Simony - Head first in holes in a baptismal position with there feet on fire
Fortune tellers - Heads put on backwards
Corrupt politicians - Place into a lake of boiling pitch
Hypocrites - aimlessly walking around wearing gilded lead clocks which represents that their is more to them then meets the eye.
Thieves - Illness is put upon them
Traitors - Submerged into ice

7th circle of hell - Violence

Outer ring - violence against people and property sinners are immersed in a river of boiling blood and fire

Middle ring - suicides and profligates the suicides and transformed into thorny bushes and then fed upon by harpies. Profligates are forever chased and mauled by ferocious dogs.

Inner ring - violence against God and nature the blasphemers lie on a flaming sand the souls violence against nature wonder about the land getting hit by fiery flakes raining from the sky.

6th Circle of Hell - Hersey

Souls are trapped in flaming tombs

"From these two, art and nature, it is fitting,
if you recall how Genesis begins,for men to make their way, to gain their living;and since the usurer prefers anotherpathway, he scorns both nature in herselfand art her follower; his hope is elsewhere."

5th Circle of Hell - Anger

The souls are forced to fight with each other while gurgling on mud  'Into a black sulkiness which can find no joy in God or man or the universe' .

4th Circle of Hell - Greed

"… I saw multitudes
to every side of me; their howls were loud
while, wheeling weights, they used their chests to push.
They struck against each other; at that point,
each turned around and, wheeling back those weights,
cried out: Why do you hoard? Why do you squander?"

The souls are forced to fight against each other with heavy armor. 

3rd Circle of Hell - Gluttony

Forced to lie in a vile slush like substance produced y ceaseless foul and icy rain the gluttonous are guarded by the great worm Cerberus. The gluttonous lie their sightless and heedless of their neighbors symbolising the cold selfish and empty lives they have lived.

2nd Circle of hell - Lust

"... But to that second circle of sad hell,
Where ‘mid the gust, the whirlwind, and the flaw
Of rain and hail-stones, lovers need not tell
Their sorrows. Pale were the sweet lips I saw,
Pale were the lips I kiss’d, and fair the form
I floated with, about that melancholy storm."

The 2nd circle of hell is Lust theses souls are blown back and forth by terrible winds from a violent storm without rest this symbolises how they have let lust control their lives.


In Greek mythology he is the king of Crete and the son of Zeus and Europa every year or every 7 years he would make king Aegeus pick 7 young girls and boys to be sent to the labyrinth to be eaten by the Minotaur after his death Minos became the judge of the dead. His tail would wrap round the dead soul depending on what circle they are in for example if they was sinful in a lustful way the tail will wrap round the dead soul twice.

1st Circle of Hell - Limbo

Limbo is the place for unbaptized souls who did not accept Christ when they was alive limbo is said to be a deficient form of heaven without baptism which is the portal of faith that we as humans embrace. Those who are not baptized are forever cursed to walk the world of limo which includes green fields and a castle with 7 gates to represent the 7 virtues.

The 9 circles of hell

My group and I decided to come up with the idea that since our location is in a circle we will use it to present the 9 circles of hell.

The 9 Circles Of Hell
  • 1st circle - Limo
  • 2nd circle - Lust
  • 3rd circle - Gluttony
  • 4th circle - Greed
  • 5th circle - Wrath
  • 6th circle - Heresy
  • 7th circle - Violence
  • 8th circle - Fraud
  • 9th circle - Treachery

Final site

Ideas for location

Places we thought that we could perform our piece 

  • The stairs near Musical Theatre

  • The disabled fire safety place near the Musical Theatre office 

  • Inside the Attic

  • The Girls bathroom